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How To Get Flat Abs For Women

How To Get Flat Abs For Women

Learning how to get flat abs for women helps them eliminate the layer of fat that forms around the stomach. This is the basic of getting a shapely body. It makes all the other exercises worthwhile. In order to achieve this ultimate goal, you need to take a combination of exercises that target certain areas. Diet is another crucial element in this regard.

Aerobics have been used for centuries with an incredible rate of success. They benefit the body by easing temperature control and improving blood circulation. These exercises should be done consistently and for a period of thirty minutes every day. The body should be allowed to rest and rejuvenate for two days in a week. Engaging an experienced workout professional prevents injuries or loop sided exercising.

Exercising can be fun through such activities as running, dancing, swimming, walking and cycling. These activities help you regulate the rate of heart beat and in the process improve your health. Cardio training should be alternated between intensive and mild. An example is sprinting and walking alternations for around twenty minutes. You should catch your breath and resume the sprint.

Polymetric exercises are recommended for those who wish to shed some fat. Examples of these exercises are modified jumping jacks where one spreads the arms and legs in the air after jumping. The body forms an X before landing on your feet again. Squat thrust up is another such example where one begins at a sit up position and jumps as high as possible before squatting back. These exercises should be repeated as many times as possible until you lose your breathe.

Strength training helps the body to build muscle by burning calories and increasing metabolism. Examples are crunches, leg raises and side bends which exercise the upper and lower abdomens as well as obliques. You should do between fifteen and twenty five steps every day. There are compound exercises that are as effective. They include dead lifts. Heavy weights should be included.

Proper diet forms a crucial part of a healthy body. You are advised to avoid junk foods like chips and sweets. The best alternatives for these foods are fruits and vegetables. You should opt for lean proteins found in nuts, beans and lean meat. Whole grains help you avoid overeating since you will be fuller for long. Take food in small portions until you feel full. You should take breaks during meals so that you can detect when you are getting full.

Foods with low glycemic index take long to digest which helps you reduce intake. There nutrients are absorbed slowly which gives you time to wait for the next meal. They include carrots, cabbages, tomatoes, pears, broccoli, berries, bananas and apples. You are also advised to avoid eating at least two hours before you sleep. Water should replace most of the other beverages.

detox plans

Inside Secrets Of What Liver Detox Is.

It works as a natural filter for our system, thus cleansing our body. But then, there are a lot of factors influencing the proper functioning of the liver like, harmful toxins released in our
detox plans
blood due to unhealthy eating habits, hormones stimulated in liver due to physical and mental stress etc. The liver helps to digest these by breaking them into smaller particles that are soluble in water and are expelled out as waste products in form of stool and urine. In reality, one can take care of this vital organ easily. This routine is dependent on the general health of a person, his/her eating habits, emotional stability and regular exercise. Other option available is to have a healthy liver is by practicing a liver detox diet, which helps to detoxify and expel the unwanted waste accumulated in the organ.

Toxins get accumulated due to improper eating habits like consuming processed and preserved food, drinking polluted and infected water and inhaling polluted air all of which gets collected in the body, especially the liver.

This buildup can be comprised of bacteria, synthetic chemicals, the polluted toxins absorbed by living in a city, even excess alcohol, and this accumulation is responsible for a wide variety of common health afflictions.

1. Poor digestion and weight gain, especially within the abdominal region.

2. Headaches, mood swings, and depression.

3. Allergic conditions such as asthma, hay fever and skin rashes.

The liver can be detoxified and cleansed by flushing out toxins by drinking plenty of water, at least eight to ten glasses. Water acts as a lubricating agent and thus proves to be vital in flushing out the toxins stored in the liver.

Drinking water is the easiest way to detoxify our system. The processed food should be avoided as it contains too much of toxins and harmful chemicals in form of colors and flavoring agents, chemicals and preservatives. Hence it is strictly recommended to stick to the diet that includes whole grains, fresh fruits, green vegetables and drinking lots of liquids either in form of water or juice.

Drinking a high volume of specially prepared liver detox tea is a highly efficient way of infusing your immune system with antioxidants and nutrients. No matter which liver detoxification option you add to your overall health regimen, you will experience the natural rejuvenation that only a clean liver can provide.

big breast implants

                         How To Increase Breast Size The NATURAL Way - Skip The Doctor....

big breast implants  Estrogen can make a marked difference to the size of your breasts, either the estrogen that you produce or synthetic estrogen, induced into your body. How to Increase Breast Size Naturally However you will find other compounds which play a vital role. Here though, our main attention will be on estrogen.

A determining factor in creating new breast tissue and retaining the fullness and shape of your breasts is the estrogen level in your body.

Actually, the estrogen levels in our bodies are at their maximum as we approach thirty and from that point on its all downhill. In time, we just make less of it. It needs to be taken into consideration that estrogen levels vary from person to person. The excellent news is that we can persuade our bodies to create extra estrogen, which in turn will benefit the breast size and form. This is the safest method of increasing your estrogen levels and it is much better than taking man-made (synthetic) estrogen. Actually, if you take synthetic estrogen, for prolonged periods of time, it can produce some harmful unwanted effects. So that it should only be used under medical supervision.

Synthetic hormone items just are not at all the same as herbal breast supplements which are natural and really help the body to create much more of its very own estrogen. The herbal medicines are usually totally safe, as long as you follow the producer's recommendations. There are a few times when they might not be safe, for instance during pregnancy, but generally they're a very safe way to boost estrogen levels in your body.

As well as herbal supplements, you can find foods rich in estrogen and this will also boost the estrogen level in your body. Some of these foods items are found in breast supplement however many are not. Here follows a listing of foods that can help boost estrogen levels in your body and in turn increase breast size.

Seed products: Grapefruit seed extract, flax seed products, sunflower seed products. Whole grains: Whole bran, Rye, Barley, Oats. Veggies: Asparagus, Lima beans, mushrooms, eco-friendly beans, green spinach, celery. Fruits: once more, there's a lengthy listing of fruits which is just a selection. Berries, tomato plants, cherries, pears, apples, kiwi fruits. Beans, peas and pulses: Navy beans, kidney beans, split peas, soybeans, red-colored beans. Soy sprouts. Condiments, herbal treatments and spices or herbs: Parsley, clover, yeast, alfalfa, anise, fenugreek, garlic clove.

Most of these breast enhancing foods are easy to obtain and the majority can be found at your local natural foods store. You might already eat some. All you need to do is just add a couple more every day so that you take in 2 or 3 products that provide you with extra estrogen within your body.

What about exercise? You need to understand that while physical exercise does work well, too much exercise can have the opposite effect and decrease your own body's estrogen. Physical exercise however is recommended. Exercise is an important part of your Natural Breast Enhancement routine. The main reasons are: First, exercise raises levels of the body's hormones within your body which are additionally significant to breast enlargement. Second, if you develop your chest muscles through specific exercises, this makes your breasts appear larger and more firm as they are pressed up and outwards. So it is best not to concern yourself with changing your normal physical exercise routine. The only things that might adversely affect you are really strenuous workout routines, endurance sports, or undertaking an excessive amount of lifting weights are stuff that could adversely affect estrogen levels. It has been proven that regular yoga is effective for this function. Consider adding yoga for your day to day routine because it helps you to enhance the levels of all of the important female the body's hormones.

Peppermint teas have been shown to aid with natural estrogen yield. The suggested quantity is 2 cups every day, however, you can drink more.

chiropractor activator

Tips On Chiropractic Instrument Adjusting

chiropractor activator

chiropractor activator Chiropractic instrument adjusting has really made things a lot less difficult in the recent past. With the use of advanced technology there is so much you stand to benefit when using impulse adjusting instruments. Well, owing to its recent popularity in the industry, there are a few tips you should know about the practice.  chiropractor activator

The method provides a very safe and comfortable way to carry out therapy. Low force and rapid adjusting techniques are employed making it much more bearable compared to manual techniques. This is why it is considered appropriate for those of old age due to factors such as osteoporosis or on very young children.

Make sure you are well informed and in a position to make the right choice by doing as much research on the topic as you can. Getting to know a thing or two always places you at an advantage in the decision making process. When carrying out your research you will find that the method has been proven to be as effective as the use of manual techniques in improving bodily function as well as pain reduction in patients.

As a result of low forces and extreme speed of the technique, this is usually much easier on patients. This means less side effects such as muscle soreness or pain during and after treatment. You have less to worry about when your chiropractor adopts such methods as they are usually quite comfortable.  
chiropractor activator

Time is also a very important factor you need to have in mind when going to a chiropractor. Thanks to the widespread adoption of such methods, adjustment time is greatly reduced both to your advantage as a patient as well as the practitioner. In most cases, you would probably need only half the time taken to carry out a manual technique while achieving the same if not better clinical results.

It has also been found to be suitable for a relatively wider range of patients as compared to other methods. In other words, it is suitable for use for patients of all ages ranging from the very young to the elderly. This has really helped in development of the industry as well as in the efforts to meet the ever rising demand for such services.  
chiropractor activator

Before settling for a particular expert, you need to ensure the person is experienced and has been in the industry for quite some time. Be keen on finding an expert with a wealth of expertise and knowledge on various techniques. The truth of the matter is that the individual should be able to skilfully incorporate instrument adjusting into his or her technique if possible so as to offer better services.   
chiropractor activator

You cannot ignore the factor of cost. In fact, it is sensible to get quotations from different service providers and compare them before making a choice. Choose an expert with a good track record and ability to meet all your expectations. As long as you do your research well and learn as much as you need to about chiropractic instrument adjusting, the rest is easy. That is all you need.  
chiropractor activator

growing taller

Grow Taller 4 Idiots: Does It Really Work?

Grow Taller 4 idiots is an online program that teaches techniques you can utilize to increase your height. If you're not satisfied with your height and wish you could do something about it then this program is certainly worth checking out. In reality, it's probably one of the only options available to you unless you really wish to spend thousands of dollars (and endure months of pain) for leg lengthening surgery.  growing taller

This system integrates different elements of diet, posture, sleeping habits and workout into a program that can add additional inches to your height. The fantastic thing about this program is that it works for individuals of any age or gender. This program covers all bases-- the right kind of exercises to do, the food you need to be eating to increase the natural manufacturing of human growth hormone, and supplementation for optimum health and growth. It's not going to make you tall overnight, however if you're happy to increase a few inches and you're prepared to devote about eight weeks to following the program then this might be for you.    growing taller

Does Grow Taller 4 Idiots actually work?

In fact, it does have a really high success rate. The author proves (based upon scientific information and research) that it is possible to gain height even after you have actually stopped growing, and his techniques for doing just that are fairly basic and actually quite straightforward. You cannot expect to gain a huge amount of height, however 2-4 inches is possible and might make quite a difference. People worldwide have used this program and there are many satisfied customers that indicate this program is the real deal.

You definitely have every right to be suspicious about these claims. But the truth is, this guide was already used effectively by over 197,000 individuals in 174 nations. Plus the numbers continue to grow every day.    growing taller

How does it work?

Essentially, grow taller 4 idiots consist of 4 major elements of growing taller. These consist of, diet plan, workout, supplementation, and sleep habits. By following the program detailed in the system, you release more natural human growth hormone that will help you get taller.

Included in the system is the 2 second fast fix-- to immediately "look" taller, 15 minute height enhancing exercises, the calorie consumption formula, the height boosting cocktail, and the miracle supplement. It tells individuals about the precise amount of sleep they need to maximize their growing potential, along with the best ways to position themselves throughout sleeping hours to grow to their maximum. It likewise provides the miracle supplement, the only one individuals will ever need to supply their body with all the crucial amino acids for height gain.             growing taller

Everything included within the Grow Taller 4 Idiots program will challenge everything you've ever before been told in the past about how you can gain height. Not only does it provide you with scientific methods of ways to increase height, but also instant tips and techniques that really work to grow your body to its true height potential. Will you take the plunge? Or will you continue to be stuck at your unsatisfactory height? Or will you continue to look for that magic potion that will make you 6" taller overnight?    growing taller

royal jelly and fertility

Precisely What Is Royal Jelly And Why Are Folks Speaking About It

The first thing we want to point out about royal jelly is that it's actually a byproduct that worker bees develop and feed to the beehives queen. Its sole goal it to stimulate her growth and development. Because the queen is given this royal jelly throughout her juvenile stages, it's sensible to assume that this royal jelly actually acts on the hormone levels of the queen bee enabling her to mature more than the other bees. A hives queen can live up to seven years, however without her special diet of royal jelly the queen would have had the very same short life cycle of any other worker bee, seven to eight weeks.

One thing you are going to discover about royal jelly is that it is not something new as individuals have been using this for years. Some of the reasons that folks have used this royal jelly is to deal with particular types of skin and digestive disorders, arthritis pain and it has even been made use of to help heal bone fractures.. You'll also discover that a lot of the people who have actually taken royal jelly has actually helped them to achieve better overall health. You will also find many women which are going through menopause work with this royal jelly blended with bee pollen as a way to combat the symptoms of their menopause.  
royal jelly and fertility

Royal jelly is composed of mostly water, but it additionally contains proteins, fats, sugars along with other trace substances too. One of the kinds of protein realized in royal jelly, and one of the sugars, has been realized to have antibacterial properties. The jelly also is made up of vitamins, minerals which are also found in humans and these minerals and vitamins are also believed to play a role in our immune system. Men and women have said that this royal jelly has been able to increase their energy levels, speed up the healing process of sores and just be a great component for their overall health.  royal jelly and fertility

As a supplement can be taken in a tablet or capsule form, or it can be consumed in a wide variety of food items for example chocolates, fruit bars as well as antioxidant drink mixes. Royal jelly can also be discovered in a fantastic array of personal care items like lip balm and also skin cream. Due to the amount of ingredients in this kind of product you need to understand that individuals with certain types of allergies should avoid using this product due to possible allergy related side effects. With regards to different side effects that individuals may have this can include such things as asthma attacks, itching and rashes it has also been recognized to cause death in a few extreme cases.   
royal jelly and fertility

As with any dietary supplement, unsubstantiated claims are common place in relation to speaking about the benefits of royal jelly. As of this time there've been no studies done on the benefits of royal jelly but this has not stopped individuals from using and benefiting from this item. You need to needless to say understand that while no studies have been done to verify the positive effects of this device there have also been no studies done validating any negative side effects.

best omega 3 supplement brand

Learn About Omega 3 Fatty Acids

best omega 3 supplement brand
best omega 3 supplement brand Have you ever heard of omega 3 fatty acids? Chances are you have, but you may be confused regarding what they are and why you should make sure they are in your diet. Essentially, omega 3 fatty acids are a beneficial kind of fat that is important for healthy and normal functioning of your body.

There are two basic kinds of these fats. Some are short chain and are known as ALA's. There are also long chains and they are known as EPA's and DHA's. Using an omega 3supplement can bring many advantages to your health. For instance, scientists are discovering that there are lots of diseases that actually start from inflammation in the body.

Cancer, asthma and depression are just a few of the chronic diseases that not only afflict many people, but also have a starting in the body as inflammation. The good news is that omega 3 reduces inflammation, and therefore can be a protection against these diseases. Your brain benefits from omega 3's as well.

You see, you can reduce your risk of getting Alzheimer's disease by making sure that there are high levels of omega 3 DHA in your body! And having high levels can also help you to feel less sad and less depressed.

By now you are probably eager to increase the levels of omega 3 fatty acids in your body, but you not know how to go about doing that. It is crucial to understand that your body cannot manufacture omega 3's. To have them in your body, you have to eat them. You can do this through certain foods or by taking supplement capsules.

Try to eat plenty of fish and shellfish such as catfish, Pollock, canned light tuna, salmon and shrimp. Also eat walnuts, flaxseed, Brussels sprouts, kale and spinach. But perhaps the most convenient and effective way to get enough Omega 3 fatty acids is to take a supplement. Taking a supplement removes all guess work surrounding whether you are actually consuming enough omega 3 fatty acids or whether you are getting a high quality source.

life n style

Pursue A Fit Life-style With These Wonderful Tips

life n style Need a bit of incentive to get you started on a smart fitness plan? We've put together these tips that will encourage you to embark on a journey of sounder health and a better body. If you are ready, let's hit the ground running, and begin to get to our health targets!  
life n style
Fitness is something lots of people desire, they life weights at home or the gymnasium in their quest for better fitness. Weights can help you get into better shape, but you can maintain body's muscles with these straightforward exercises: pull up, push up, squats, leg raises, bridges and handstand pushups.  
life n style

Marathons used to be for serious runners only but now they have now become a preferred goal for casual runners too. Many people nowadays come to a point in their lives where they feel that they need the challenge of finishing a marathon. Fortunately there are many good training programs now, to help casual runners prepare for more the 26.2 mile trek.

One way to guarantee a safe fitness routine is to make certain that you have completely recovered from the day before, before attempting your new workout. This can be done by measuring your morning resting heartbeat rate and comparing it to your normal resting heartbeat rate. If it is significantly higher than standard, you want more rest.

Each time you do abs exercises, make certain to do back exercises as well. If you do so , you won't have back pain—too many abdominal exercises could cause back trouble and poor posture. Don't focus on one body area and neglect other areas, make efforts to have a balanced workout.    
life n style

Walk for approximately a half hour a couple of times a week. This may increase your bone density, which makes bearing weight simpler. That's helpful for anyone who has to lift things on a regular basis, as well as anyone that has started training with weights. Older people can benefit from bigger bone density too.

When you are feeling the burn, go back the next day for more! Exercising to the point that we feel it can make us actually sore for days. The most effective way to prevent that, or at a minimum to minimize it, is to exercise again the following day and the day following that. It may be cautious to take it simpler but don't forgo exercise all together.

If you are looking for a technique to save time and get an effective workout, for the entire workout don't switch weights, keep the same one. Select your weight based totally on your weakest exercise. Pick an amount you can lift no more than 6 to 8 times. Use this weight, and do your routine in a circuit.

When you are planning your gym program, make sure you include cardio as often as possible. An hour on the treadmill won't just help you to tone your body, but can scale back the excessive blubber that you have on your belly, arms and legs. This will go a good way to making yourself look better.  
life n style

These fitness tips should inspire you to have a quick look at your fitness efforts with a fresh eye, work on things that need improving, and ramp up the routines that are working for you. Your ambitions are in sight, now, you just have to stick to your plan. Good luck!

plastic surgery addiction

Tips For Consulting A Plastic Surgeon

plastic surgery addictionplastic surgery addiction.There have been so many advances in medical science that it is now possible to enhance ones appearance. You could change some detail on your face or on other parts of your body. For these type of procedures, you will have to find a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon. Here are some tips that can be helpful for your search.              plastic surgery addiction

There will be many to choose from so this is not the time to be lax in checking credentials. Remember you will be entrusting your looks to this professional. The results would be seen by everyone and depending on the procedure can last for years. Make sure that you go to someone who has valid credentials.

Look out for any signs of problems with his practice. You probably have read one of the many horror stories regarding these procedures. If you do not want to have one of your own, then check your candidates track record. Check if he has run into problems with the authorities and if a case has been filed against him.

Check for experience. With more experience, a practitioner gains more knowledge and hones his skills. Determine how long your candidate has been practicing and how often he performs the procedure. You can also ask him if he has photos of his previous operations so you can assess his expertise.

It would be good to do some research about the procedure. You need to have realistic expectations about the results and you should know what steps are involved in the procedure. Check if it is a painful process and what recovery would be like. You should understand how risky the procedure is so you know what you are getting into.           plastic surgery addiction

Use this knowledge to prepare questions for meeting with your prospective doctor. If you have any doubts or if you want a certain aspect of the procedure clarified, then ask about it. Make a list of things to ask so you will not forget. In the end, you should be well informed about the risks and with what will happen during the procedure.  plastic surgery addiction

Once you feel confident enough to go ahead with the procedure, then check when the doctor will be able to perform the procedure. You will have to determine when you should get some time off from your occupation. You also have to ensure that the vacation is long enough so that you also have enough time to recover.  plastic surgery addiction

The procedure can be pricy. If you find that it is costly, then be sure that your finances can handle it. You might also want to try calling a number of doctors before deciding. Ask them about their rates and inquire about the payment arrangements as well. Moreover, ask what happens if the results are not as expected.


nutrition degrees

Tips On Finding The Right Nutritionist

nutrition degrees If you need help when it comes to the meals that you have been serving or the food that you have been taking, there are professionals that can assist you. There are professionals that can offer you their advise on things that you should do. You just need to find a highly reliable Downton New York nutritionist. nutrition degrees

Remember that not all of the providers that you will see around are going to be qualified for the task at hand. You are going to rely on these professionals to give you advice on the things that you are supposed to do. You need to find the right people who are going to offer you with the best possible service there is. So, use this chance to make the most of the assistance they extend. nutrition degrees

Determine what educational background these professionals have managed to acquire as well. You always need to consider the kind of training that these professionals have been able to get. Determine how long these providers have managed to acquire the necessary knowledge that is going to be just right for whatever it is that you require.  nutrition degrees

Determine if you are looking at licensed professionals. You need proof that they are indeed legit people that you're dealing with. You will find that there is going to be right for your current needs. It is always a good thing that you have a good idea of what are the requirements in your state so you get to choose right at the end of the day.  nutrition degrees

Ask for the recommendations of the people who have successfully enlisted the names of these professionals in the past. You will find that their actual experienced in dealing with these providers then is going to give you a better idea of what it is that you are supposed to take into consideration so you get to determine where these people are basing their referrals on.

Consider the experience level of these professionals. You would rather secure the assistance of the people who have managed to stay active in the service for quite ling enough. It is always going to be easier for you to make the right choice when you have a good notion of the number of years that these providers ave managed to remain active in this service for a long time. nutrition degrees

Determine the number of hours that these providers are able to stay in operation as well. Consider how long these people are likely to extend their assistance to you. There are often a number of these providers that you can find around, but only a few of them may be suitable enough for the kind of hours that you are able to come to the, and secure their assistance.

Health Supplements

Proper Ways Of Administering Natural Health Supplements

Health Supplements The food that we take does not really have all the nutrients that the body requires. Most of the time having a balanced diet is very difficult. For the people who mainly live from hand to mouth, it gets even harder. This is because they have to survive on whatever they have. This is where the natural health supplements come in. They help keep an individual healthy.  Health Supplements

There is a wide variety of these boosts in the market. For instance, vitamins in the body are supplemented with these drugs. Health deficiencies also are helped with these supplements. Non artificial boosts as well as chemically produced addendum are there in the market but the main subject is the non artificial ones. Their main origin is naturally available sources. One can choose to call them herbal. 

One of the boosts that is usually used is the one for boosting the bones. Vitamin D is mainly attained from the sun. However, it is not always that there is sunlight. Also, not everyone can be able to be exposed to the sun everyday. They thus will turn to vitamin D supplements. In this way, they will just have healthy bones without exposure to the sunlight.   Health Supplements

The other non artificial addendum is fish oil. Many people are now getting to use this oil more than ever. This is because of its ability to reduce menstrual cramps, it reduces heart disease. The oil reduces the hardening of the heart arteries called coronary arteries. This is mainly what causes heart problems. No one wants to be having such problems especially at this time that many diseases are very persistent.

There is an age limit for the supplements. Those that do well for adults, will not necessarily have the same effects when used by children. An example of omega 3 that then children mainly take, will not have the same effect it has on adults as well. Balanced diet among he adults makes them not require omega 3 as much as children do.  Health Supplements

However, there are precautions that need to be taken. People should be sure that their products that they are buying are 100% natural. There are those that are just labelled 'natural' but they actually are not. People have taken advantage of the fact that everyone is going natural and tried to make fake products. People should therefore be keen when buying them.  Health Supplements

It is because of this reason that Food and Drug Administration management came in. Although these non artificial boosts do not usually need to be approved, they have to observe their performance. When these drugs are sold to the public, FDA recommends that they list their write their contents. By writing this, they make it easier for them to follow up on which products are fake and which are real.

what are vitamins

Important Facts About Vision Vitamins

what are vitamins what are vitamins Vision vitamins are the nutritional elements that enhance eye sight. These include vitamin A, B6, C, selenium, trace elements such as magnesium and zinc among other nutrients. A variety of food containing vitamins include, among others oranges, carrots, pumpkin and leafy vegetables. Having enough of these food sources in the diet protects one from getting certain eye diseases such as cataracts and macular degeneration.    vitamin c sources  what are vitamins: 

We will explore the benefits of vitamin A in more detail since it is the nutrient of greatest significance. The vitamin is involved in the synthesis of a pigment of the retina known as rhodopsin. Rhodopsin is necessary for dim vision. The other important role that this pigment plays is that it helps to keep the cornea moist through the    maintenance of the integrity of related membranes.  vitamin c sources   what are vitamins

The A vitamin is not a single unit as such but is composed of a group of hydrocarbons which are not saturated. These include retinoic acid, retinal, retinol and a number of vitamin A precursors (carotenoids). The most important among the pro vitamin A carotenoids is beta carotene. Retinal component combines with the protein opsin to form rhodopsin. The so formed light absorbing molecule is vital for both colour and low light (scotopic) vision.  what are vitamins

Lack of vitamin A causes many eye problems whose severity varies depending on the period of time one is affected and the extent of deficiency. Such a deficiency will be caused by inadequate amounts of vitamin A in the diet for a long time. This is called primary vitamin A deficiency. Its prevention entails frequent intake of carotenoid containing foods such as fruits, vegetables and dairy products.   what are vitamins

Secondary deficiency may be seen in a number of circumstances. For instance, it is seen when there is malabsorption of the vitamin. This frequently occurs when there is decreased uptake of lipids and reduced release of bile. The vitamin requires fat to dissolve and a deficiency of the fats will therefore result in decreased absorption. Other risk factors for the same include prolonged smoking and alcohol intake.  vitamin c sources   what are vitamins

One of the most initial manifestations of vitamin A deficiency is night blindness. This refers to impaired scotopic vision. With time, the condition may worsen and changes such as drying of the conjunctiva may occur. This happens because the normal tear secreting system is replaced by keratinisation. This is accompanied by formation of keratin plaques in the cornea which eventually gets eroded as more keratinisation leading to complete blindness. vitamin c sources

The other vitamins play a relatively minor role. Vitamin C has antioxidant properties which help protect the eye from irradiation. It is also important in the maintenance of capillary integrity and normal pressure. The B6 vitamin maintains red cell structure and function and thus ensures that the retina functions optimally. Zinc takes part in the conversion of beta carotene to vitamin A.  vitamin c sources